Reduce inventory levels and increase profits
Optimise inventory levels, increase profits, and improve customer service levels at the same time
Whether you’re struggling with over or understock situations, trying to eliminate the guesswork when tracking inventory on inbound containers, or looking to analyse stock levels to better manage your inventory position with retail customers – Lanham Associates have got you covered when it comes to supply chain demand planning.
Demand Planning for Distributors Demand Planning for Manufacturers
Many distributors overstock to avoid stockouts at all costs. By eliminating this excess inventory, Lanham’s Demand Planning gives your company a real, tangible advantage that increases margins. These savings go directly to the bottom line, and often this has an even greater effect on profits than increased sales.
Put Inventory Management to Work for You!
Reduce inventory carrying costs and increase your margins

Built Inside Microsoft® Dynamics™ NAV/D365 Business Central
Demand Planning is built inside the business system, and takes a unique approach of incorporating vital forecasting and replenishment functions inside a single system, providing “Total Access to Data”.

Best-Fit Forecast Method
Demand Planning forecasting uses a best-fit formula approach to ensure that the very best formula is automatically assigned to each item in each warehouse.
The result is an extremely accurate 12- to 15-month forecast.

Reducing Inventory
All of Demand Planning’s strong methodologies work to provide the most accurate forecast and replenishment plans available today.
The net result is a reduction in inventory, while maintaining or improving customer service levels.
Surplus inventory is reduced, and dead stock is identified for elimination.
Looking to improve your inventory position?
- Machine learning forecasting
- Customer collaborative and vendor collaborative forecasting
- DRP – Distribution Requirements Planning
- Hub & spoke branch replenishment
- Inventory balancing Dynamic replenishment
- Container planning
- Reduced overall inventory investment
- Improved customer service
- Unprecedented visibility
Looking to improve your inventory position?
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While it can’t change a customer’s demand for immediate availability, this solution will work to sort and streamline the acquisition of manufacturing materials and distribution of finished goods. The end result is no over-purchasing, no over-production, and more peace of mind.

Caught Between Long Lead Times and Customer Demand?
Demand Planning for Manufacturers provides relief

Built Inside Microsoft® Dynamics™ NAV
Demand Planning is built inside Microsoft Dynamics NAV and takes a unique approach of incorporating vital forecasting functions inside a single system, providing “Total Access to Data” through NAV’s native drill-down capabilities.

Best-Fit Forecast Method
Demand Planning forecasting uses a best-fit formula approach to ensure that the very best formula is automatically assigned to each item in each warehouse.
The result is an extremely accurate 12- to 15-month forecast.

Integrated Planning & Execution for Your Supply Chain
Demand Planning drives a single process that is run on a daily basis for a user-defined timeframe, usually 6-months or more.
Since time-phased expected inventory changes on a daily basis, the result is a constantly up-to-date production plan, providing Demand Planning replenishment time-phased information for scheduling component purchases.
See what Demand Planning for Manufacturers can do for you
- Handles forecasting and replenishment of components or finished goods
- Drill-down visibility into recommendations
- Customer collaboration and vendor collaboration
- Finished goods forecast is compared to time-phased expected inventory to determine quantity and timeframe for product production
- A set of user-defined increments are used to create simulated production orders, to drive demand for component or intermediate production items
- Production plan can be changed on a daily basis
- User can lock in near term plan to create a stable environment for capacity planning
See what Demand Planning for Manufacturers can do for you
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